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JoinPD – Join Pear deck session Code 2023

What happens when you need to teach a class but you cannot reach the university? This has happened surely, a few weeks ago, when the pandemic hit us. And we survived with technology.

One thing about online learning was online classes which were boring and monotonous. Until Joinpd came into being. This website allowed all the teachers to conduct classes, tests online and even give homework and check them.

Students just needed a working device and a stable internet connection.


The website is hosted by peardeck which is also an ed-tech website meant to cater to the needs of teachers and students. The Joinpd website is unique when compared to Zoom or Google Meet in the case that it helps the

teachers make targeted presentations for the students. The platform also helps the teachers in monitoring the real-time reactions of students while teaching a particular topic. This helps in better communication and understanding of the students.

There is also a feature to ask questions anonymously. This is specially designed for shy students who do not like to interact forthright. The lessons are also always made available for the students so that they can come back and visit them again in order to study them. The student can also ask the teacher multiple questions to clear their queries on the platform itself.

How to use Joinpd

This website prides on an easy interface and using it is a piece of cake.

  • 1.Create an account: If you are a teacher, you need to create a free account on the website to get access

to materials, tools to present, make classes,marking students and so on. On the other hand, if you are a student, then you can easily enter a classroom by the code given to you by a teacher. There is no extra need to make an account.

  • Teaching classes: You can start teaching by first clicking on the “create a lesson” button which gives you access to tools for presentation, classes,etc. From there you can make presentations or import some and then present them by clicking on the “start lesson” button.
  • Student interaction: You can easily monitor your students by changing the “overlay” of the screen. They can ask you questions if you add interactive questions to your presentation under the “ask questions” tab.

All the responses can be viewed in a grid or list format and also together in one screen. Students can also share feedback after a lesson by selecting any one response from the list given.

  • Saving lessons : This feature enables teachers to save their teaching sessions as well the materials so

that the students can visit them again.

  • Homework: You can also assign homework to your students by clicking the “Assign homework” option. Assign a topic, set a due date and share the assignment code with your students, and you are done.

So whether you are a teacher or a student, joinpd is the answer to all your problems regarding online classes. Learning has never been more fun.

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